Thursday, January 17, 2013

High efficiency filtration equipment is essential in our lives

No matter how massive library, which will be part of the books is a long time no one to move these books with the saved time is getting longer and longer, which will be gradually increased volatiles, whenever the book when volatiles will cause indoor air pollution. And we all know, has a strong adsorption books on indoor dust, the above is more or less there will be some dust, these dust cleaning up is more difficult, it is difficult to thoroughly clean. Especially when encountered air flow, these pollution will drift to the interior, the adsorption of the body, then it is easy to affect human health.air filter cartridge
The library is books, we all know the basic ingredients of the paper is cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose, these substances gave the mold enough nutrients and living space, coupled with the indoor temperature, high humidity, mold generation is likely. Similarly, the dust is also mo ld excellent communicators, If you have not done enough comprehensive library of health work, the amount of dust in the air is relatively high, then, provides favorable conditions for the spread of mold.
Mold not only makes people smell pungent, but also have some damage to the liver, kidney and brain systems are even carcinogenic. We use paper books by printing ink, type made a lot of books of oil too heavy or improper deployment of ink, resulting in a the thick ink Lead taste is in the air, if coupled Library unreasonable styling very may cause the ventilation of the museum is not smooth ink the lead taste not emitted, long-term stay inside people breathless.
Air filter equipment, installed in the library according to the hazards of this above is necessary, generally an easy installation, low-cost device configuration in the library, will be able to better clear the indoor air pollution, and fresh outdoor air into the interior through a certain filter. Especially in the university library, and more should arouse our attention, in addition to the use of specialized equipment, dotted with some green indoors is a good choice.
Indoor greening should naturally be mainly green, flower embellishment, especially with the vitality of green plants have a very positive role in improving and regulating indoor air quality, not only to be able to adjust the concentration of oxygen in the room, but also that the The mood is soothing, Digestion our reading fatigue. So, the combination of the two is the most effective method of decontamination.

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