Friday, April 26, 2013

The baghouse how Kege Si dust bag filter dust

The impact of the use of wind baghouse dust-laden gas speed through 0.5-3m/min dust bag, dust particles in the bag fiber layer running time is only 0.01-0.3s. In the blink of an eye, the dust particles in the gas bag isolated. There are two steps: First, the fiber layer trap dust particles, dust layer of dust particles capture. In a sense, the latter mechanism has a more important role.
Diffusion effect: less than 0.2 m of dust particles and gas molecules collide with each other, resulting in irregular movement, irregular movement, a portion of the dust particles are fibers or dust layer retention, a phenomenon known as diffusion effect.industrial filter press
The inertia efficiency: if the large mass of dust particles known as inertial effects, when the gas flows through the fibrous layer was stopped Mechanism. Due to inertia caused by the trapping efficiency is proportional to the size of the dust particles. The density of the dust particles and the velocity of the airflow and inversely proportional to the diameter of the fiber.
Directly intercept: When the extension of dust particles airflow line directly to the fiber collecting movement, because the airflow line distance from the surface of the fiber within the scope of the radius of the dust particles, dust particles in contact with the fibers and is trapped, this catch set mechanism is called direct interception.
Electrostatic attraction: the air scour fiber collection means, friction role in bringing fiber charged. Some dust particles in motion will bring the charge. Such as fiber impregnated with resin, charge role will strengthen, the electrostatic field is applied in the outside world is not catching collective conductive ionized gas molecules after radioactive irradiation, the settlement of the charged particles and other phenomena, this charge will decrease slowly. When no external electric field, 3 (1) particles charged catch collective neutral, then catch collective reverse induced charge, the electrostatic adsorption force (2) harvesting the collective charged particles neutral, the particles only reverse induced charge attraction (3) both charged, according to the charge pairing may be absorbed, there may be repulsive forces.
Sieve effect: the gap between the filter or dust on the filter, the gap between the more dust particles hour is conducive to screening retention, that is, the screening effect. Obviously, the larger the dust particles, the smaller the fiber voids, the greater the probability is sieved. Under normal circumstances, the new clean bag screening effect is not strong. When the dust large settlement when the dust layer is formed in the surface of the bag, screening greatly enhanced, and improve the efficiency of the separation and capture dust.filter press manufacturers
6 capture unsteady filter: bag filter process time-series can be divided into two phases, the stable filter and non-stability filtration stage. In stable filtration stages, assuming ignore the deposition of particles generated on the bag changes in the structure, the particles contact with the fibers are trapped, and do not consider the filtering mechanism of correction, therefore, the trapping efficiency from the filter time. With the filtration time increases, the particle lead to unsteady filter stage generates gradually formed in the surface of the fiber the cloth change of porosity and particle formation chained deposition is conducive to the improvement of the fiber collecting ability, lead time and particle trapping efficiency with filter deposition amount increases. A clean state, the capture efficiency of a single fiber is defined at the entrance height and the ratio of the fiber diameter of the for Particles maximum trajectory increased with time in the actual filtering process, the shape and size of the fibers produce more significant changes. . In the state of non-stable filter, according to the law of conservation of mass, the quality of inflows micro unit minus outflow element's mass is equal to the infinitesimal body increased quality.
Filter cleaning regeneration: regeneration of filter cleaning product for the filtration process dust layer on the surface of the bag attached to the broken ring and part of the cleanup on the filter, thereby restoring the normal filtering function of the filter. The cleaning may be periodic, or may be carried out continuously. The cleaning effect is good or bad filter and dust properties, filter conditions, blowback conditions and many other conditions. The filter cleaning renewable continuous work, the same filter is as important as the process and links.
Therefore, when cleaning set what conditions, what cleaning method, the blowback air pressure, air flow, blowback duration, peak injection pressure and the number of repetitions, the interval should be based on the baghouse application environment, working parameters, dust, and other application conditions reasonable arrangements to get the desired results.

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