Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to correctly handle the car bacteria often kept clean car wash

Many people might think that in the car, shut the door window, is a confined space, then sprayed some perfume from the car clean and warm incense. Foreign scientists, this idea is wrong. It is precisely because the car is a confined space, bacterial growth than in the ventilated space faster and more pollution than the outside world is serious, this is not some perfume or deodorant sprays can be resolved.

Proper use within the circulatory system, not only can effectively inhibit the bacteria in the air conditioning pipe, but also to extend the service life of air conditioning to save fuel consumption. Rainy days, the owner can use within the circulatory system, the air conditioning filter is not easy to mold, thereby reducing the generation of bacteria in the air conditioning ducts.air filter cartridge

Usually use automotive air conditioning, five minutes before the car is turned off should be off the air conditioner, and converted into the inner loop. This will prevent air-conditioning water adsorbed on the air-conditioning on the wall, you can effectively eliminate air conditioning odor, but also can extend the life of air conditioning to save fuel consumption. Air conditioning ducts residual air-conditioning, so that the wind blowing or cold, heat intolerance friends do not have to worry about.

Summer season, the temperature gradually increased, car leather, plastic and other decorative objects also easy to emit some odor. After a spring and winter, the car is easy to "filth" because the car is often sealed exterior air circulation, dust particles easily attached to the leather chairs and ornaments gap pores . In this regard, it is recommended that, before the beginning of summer to the car as a sauna, cleaning car interiors, but also sterilization to remove car smell.dust filter

The summer car doors and windows closed, air conditioning. Therefore, many owners believe that, in the case of doors and windows closed, the car does not have dust, you can not wash. Actually, this is not the case. As long as the vehicle is traveling, there will be dust. So, the car interior cleaning must not be sloppy. We can every day with a damp cloth to rub automotive interior, especially the dashboard, steering wheel, door and other places. Or, at least a week to go to a professional car wash at the car wash, the car inside and out and are kept clean.

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